Moonmist is an interesting little card. It's most obvious use is for turning all of your werewolves into their crinos form stronger form and then completely swinging combat. Most people stop looking there, though, relegating it as a cute little tribal support card. Take a closer look, though: the card is quite generously worded. The first sentence is simply "transform all humans," full stop - whether they're werewolves or not. What else can this accomplish, then?
Whoa! It turns people into vampires, too!
It turns people into bug-people, and bug-people into bugs!
Warning: Exposure to Moonmist may cause paranoia, lack of inhibitions and chronic sneering. Ask your doctor if Moonmist is right for you.
"I braved the moonmist and all I got was this lousy cult."
So it can turn your creatures into slightly larger, slightly nastier creatures. That's all well and good, but is that it? It's unlikely you'll be splashing green in your WBRU transformation deck just for that. Isn't there anything more impressive steeping oneself in Moonmist can accomplish?
Yes! Moonmist can let you immediately unlock your Planeswalker spark! Order today!
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