Monday, February 29, 2016

Card in Review - Assault Suit

Magic is a game of synergies. The most effective decks time and again seem to involve several powerful cards that can roughly replicate what the others do. A control deck might not particularly favour a Dissipate over a Dissolve in the late game, and a dedicated burn deck will take Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Lava Spike all on equal footing. Decks that are too focused on a particular card - most often seen in EDH decks that are helpless without their commander out - are too delicate, and will fall apart if their key card is removed in a way that a more modular deck wouldn't. (I don't mean Modular decks, mind you.)

That said, don't you sometimes just see a card that's so interesting that you want to build around it?

Welcome to Card in Review, a new feature here that, rather than looking at some aspect of the game as a whole, will pick one open-ended card and analyze all sorts of tricks that can be done with it, both general and specific.

What card are we selecting for this first foray into the world of tunnel vision?

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Graffito on an Akroan bathroom stall

Thakolides the Mighty
He wore the tighty-whitey
Though he was very fighty
He was killed by a spidey

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Creatures Without Flying

This is a non-exhaustive list of creatures that do not have the flying ability.

Whipoorwill cannot fly. It does not have flying.

Petra Sphinx is the answer to that age-old riddle: "What walks on four legs, even though it has giant wings?"

It's not called "Flying Spirit," now is it? Of course not. It cannot fly.

You know why none of these creatures fly?

Because they were hit by Pin to the Earth, which removes flying.