Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Think, Therefore I Am

Maybe tinkering with Un-cards is kind of cheating, since there are no end of rules they break for the fun of it. That said, I think we have a very unusual scenario that you wouldn't expect to be able to achieve, with Yet Another Aether Vortex. With a tricky little scenario, it can be in play simply because it says so.

Even if there are no permanents in play, and no cards in any player's hand or graveyard, Yet Another Aether Vortex can be face-up on top of your library, as well as in play. This may not seem possible in a vacuum, but consider this: you have a copy of Yet Another Aether Vortex in play, which naturally reveals the top card of your library, being... a second copy of Yet Another Aether Vortex! So the one in play makes the one on top of your library count as being in play as well, making its abilities active just as any other permanent's would be. But let's say you then play Renounce, sacrificing everything you've got except for the Vortex on top of your library. Now it is your only permanent, and it's only still in play because it says it is. "The top card of your library is in play." "Sez who?" "Me, the top card of your library!" Its ability keeps its ability active. Sure, when you draw it next turn the party is over, but whoever saw that one coming?

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