But it wasn't just any Goblin Kites.

That is the single worst cutting job I have ever seen on a card. Whomever is responsible must have done so with a hacksaw, the handle gripped not-so-expertly between his buttocks. Seriously... I've seen cards with uneven borders, but never one with a border completely missing! But wait, look closely... is that? Yes. You can see a tiny fragment of a green card spilling onto the top of the Goblin Kites. How lovely. Ah, it's just as well - what good did green give us in Fallen Empires? In fact, what good did Fallen Empires give us at all? Asides from the game-breaker that is Delif's Cone, I mean.
So, I believe I may very well have the world's oldest split card.
heh. Delif's Cone.