Sunday, February 4, 2018

Didn't You Already Say That?

Just wondering: how many times are they going to use this flavour text, exactly?

So sometimes Wizards re-uses flavour text with minor rewordings. We've got Krosan Avenger and Flame Javelin, or Foriysian Brigade and Tenth Edition's Manabarbs, or Daring Leap and Zephyr Sprite, or Hammer Mage and Goblin Gaveleer, or Saprazzan Outrigger and Goblin Raider, or Guided Strike and Fencer's Magemark (with Gilded Light as a sort of devil's advocate?) There's even the oddballs like Goblin Snowman and Winnow, who have nearly the same flavour texts yet somehow the opposite meanings. Okay, I get that they have a lot of different flavour texts to write and it can be hard to keep them all interesting. But did we really need this same bad joke four times? I'm seeing the imitation, all right, but nothing about it is sincere.