A lot of the play variants that seem to have the most success are predicated on thinking big. 5-color Magic, with its 250-card decks, had its day in the sun for many years. Nowadays EDH is the casual format of choice, and it involves a cool 100 cards. Doesn't a teetering pile of cardboard sometimes get a little tiresome, though? The hassle shuffling it, the delay of game every time you search for something, the struggle finding room to carry and transport the behemoth... not to mention that the bigger your deck is, the less consistent it is, inevitably leading to long, drawn-out games that can take all afternoon to finish. Wouldn't you rather be able to get a few games in if you can help it? Sometimes the pared-down fun of playing with a 40 card deck in Limited formats can lead to tight gameplay... so why not push that concept to the limit and get some real pared-down decks?